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kirklynch's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by kirklynch


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This is probably to personal, to raw to put here, but I’ve been listening to some pretty courageous stuff here in alonetone. This is more of an occurence, a onetime performance, more of a memorial, than a recording. My dad had died recently, I’d been walking around with a bit of this song in my head, when one day as I was driving in the foothills of the Cascades in Oregon, I got a phone call telling me my friend Leeann had died. the words and the melody blew into my head and I raced home, ran down the hill to my studio above the barn, played myself into a trance on my hand drums, did a calling of my brothers the wolves on my cedar flute (my thanks to Randy Silvermoon for making this magic thing, it has never failed to take me home) and let this out. The singing is raw, because it was all I could do to keep singing. I’ve never felt inclined to “clean it up” or modify it. When one sings within the circle, whatever comes is THE song, never to be repeated. I captured it as a gift to the others who had lost someone. My father was of Cherokee descent, Leeann was Shawnee and Navajo. Farewell to the Mountain, farewell to the Prarieflower, Heyah

Guest said

From the first call of that wild haunting beginning phrase, you know this is going to be something special, and it does not disappoint.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Too beautiful for words

childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

This is really beautiful. The flute really hits in at 1:45 and then the voice later. This is really Big Heart!

listener's avatar
listener said

Haunting. Beautiful. Anyone who has lost a part of their heart when someone they love leaves this planet will recognize the deep song in the soul this gives voice to. Just when I thought nothing could capture the feeling. And yet, healing in it's beauty.

Lil' mar mar's avatar
Lil' mar mar said

stunningly powerful.

shortbusmusic's avatar
shortbusmusic said

This is a marvelous soundscape - intense, raw, yet somehow soothing. Brilliant work!!

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Thanks for sharing this.

dAb's avatar
dAb said

Woah! Very moving! Hauntingly good!

Guest said

This reminds me of Robbie Robertson's Music for Native Americans album...and that is a great album! Good company to be in!

Guest said

This is beyond very moving...amazing!
