The springsteens's listening history

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Give me just one good one.
launched's avatar
My only musical Christmas present. Tharek(Osckilo) sent me a wonderful Spanish/Arab sounding guitar track. All I had to do was sing. Sometimes that is the biggest treat of all, and I took full advantage of it. Thanks, bro!! All done on the…
launched's avatar
Dwelled by the "Upload" button for a bit before shipping this one... All recorded on the Boss Micro BR
launched's avatar
Au Naturale! A song a friend of mine wrote. Performed by me, of course. All recorded on the Boss Micro BR. It's a song about sharing. Very rough, raw and unplugged. Kind of embarrassed to "share" it - Please excuse the mistakes and hacks! One…
launched's avatar
A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :) One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle…
launched's avatar
After I read into RPM and understood that anybody could take the challenge, I joined up. I'm starting with a clean slate, so I hope I can finish! This a WIP of the first tune I'm working on. Everything I do will be recorded/produced with the Boss…
The springsteens's avatar
bang bang bang i am still missing my e string but i dont care. i bought an old bass drum from a second hand shop. caaaaaaaaaraaaaaaaaa she gave me a ribbon
The springsteens's avatar
hey mister rosary beads you were right i did write an indie ballad about her! only at the time i'd been listening to very/too much leonard cohen and this bleak piece of miserable shit came out but it has a singalong chorus!!!!!!! and i played…
The Privately Public's avatar
Future Snakes's avatar
I'm heavily influenced by my the merger of analog and digital technology. I've played in many heavy, noise, and rock projects and this project is my first attempt at electronic music, which I've always had a passion for. I'm infulenced by…