launched's listening history

henwrench's avatar
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Been messing around all day with could venture...
Kris King's avatar
Ashes and dragon's breath - bright things in the sky, childhood games, battlegrounds, cemeteries. Lyrics: Long long days, summer holidays, staying up late green wood on the bonfire, we danced around the flames street lights and stars…
Kris King's avatar
When I was young we lived opposite a big play area - lots of grass and trees and bushes to rampage around - and in the middle a tarmac playground with the "amusements" - a witches hat (aka umbrella), a long rocking horse with saddles along its…
launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Ken's avatar
Just a mellow instrumental to get involved here. Hope you like it!
launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
launched's avatar
I couldn't get anything right today so I just mashed through a guitar track and overlayed vocals. But now I kind of like the song so it will have to be redone. So sit back and relax, don't shower or shave and have a beer! Swill A Beer I sit…
launched's avatar
I had some lyrics describing a late nite cake baking experience kicking around. If I have a lot on my mind, dirtying every dish in the house seems like the right thing to do. I stole some cool percussion from Norm and went to work. I also…
launched's avatar
I wrote this for my girlfriend, but she'll never hear it because Travis Twitt is the earth moon and sun. It's not really that good anyway :)