launched's listening history

launched's avatar
I can only listen to Mustang Sally so many times. But Genghis has the most incredible tone. I can't keep my ears of it!
launched's avatar
A collab with Tod Wolfe and Ken Davidsen - Awesome dudes! Tod - Drums Ken - Crunchy guitar, effects and solos Me - Vocals, plunky/strummy uke parts and bass
erocnet's avatar
Souce: Dulcimer
Sister Savage's avatar
Mike (Dragonsong) asked me to sing this poem, from a well loved C17th Somerset folk song, over his music - was a lovely pleasure.
vaisvil's avatar
2 tracks prophet 12 desk module, 2 tracks of korg minilogue xd percussion and voice.
kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
K.Davidsen's avatar
Anytime I get a chance to work with Launched i'm taking it! New song for 2018!
launched's avatar
A collaboration with buddies of mine from Just dug it out again today and thought I'd share it. Gnasty - Guitars, T-Jam Ratatat-tat Drums Me - Bass, Vox
Andrew Russe's avatar
Here's a new one. Well, a new old one, actually... And a bit different than the last one! Something old, something new, something borrowed, and, er, something blue... **** **Nobody Loves You - A A J Russe** Nobody loves you Like you…
Reefwalker's avatar
RPM17 3/10 The most tasteful song i've made this year :)