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Heart Is Not Broken


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Written by Holdempok. This song features:
Holdempok - Rhythm guitar and vocals
Myself - lead guitar
Chad ‘The Rock’ - Bass
Tod - Drums

We had this song hanging around a while without drums…so I uploaded to SongCrafters a while back, and asked if someone would lay down a drum track to it.
Yesterday, Rata_tat_tat [Tod] PM’d me saying he added the drums and uploaded it…

So, here, without further adu ….. is:

Heart Is Not Broken


Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Fantastic song lg.....damn what a great song....wicked solo man

Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
Farfetched Tangmo Band said

big sound. Really opens up and delivers power.

Guest said

Thanks to this track, I realized my heart is only wounded; it is not broken. Thank you.

christopher t nickey's avatar
christopher t nickey said

lgh,thanks for your kind comments about my music....i dig your stuff as well...if you ever come east look me up we'll play a show together

cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

Whoa, big sound on this LG! Love the West Coast psychedelic feel to it.

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