minus the hat's listening history

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Title track to our rpm effort. Introduces both vocalists and overall acoustic rock sound of the album.
Gumbo's avatar
An old Blues - you coming or staying?
Gumbo's avatar
Again i'd love some feedback I like the feel and the mix do the lyrics work? recorded t'night in an hour after trying all day to get the verse lyrics rammed into another tune
Gumbo's avatar
This was the first track i demo'd for this year's RPM but i just got round to tidying it up and adding the third verse. A bit of a feel good record!
Al's left hand's avatar
Homage, in various ways, to Bowie, Arcade Fire, Airborne Toxic Event. I wrote most of it while out running on dirt roads near the Cody landfill.
Al's left hand's avatar
Inspired by the David Brooks book "Bobos in Paradise" and an article I read on the so-called "Prosperity Gospel", which is one of the weirder religious movements I've heard of.
Al's left hand's avatar
Title is a reference to a 2009 RPM album's title. It is a song about leaving Chicago.
Al's left hand's avatar
Finally a good cut of this one. Named after Daniel Burnham of Chicago's Burnham Plan, this song is about the downfall of western capitalism. I'm completely unprepared for it myself -- I have no idea what I'll wear.
Al's left hand's avatar
The *cough* future *cough* mayor of Chicago holding court with his corporate backers.
Al's left hand's avatar
This song is about George Washington, and how politicians in the *cough* future world this album inhabits *cough* could perhaps use a bit of his character.