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This is maybe the first track written entirely by This Caustic Autumn as a group effort. I’d been to see Sigur Ros play at Massey Hall in Toronto the night before we wrote this, so that’s where the idea for the bowed Les Paul came from. Other than that though, it’s not really much like SR at all. I’m pretty sure it’s fully our own thing. Every time I hear it I wish I’d taken a bit more time to clean up the vocals a bit, but it is what it is. Too late now. Forgive my hasty nature, please. Let’s call it artistic spontaneity, shall we? hahahaha.

You move slow, as if weighed down;
As if trained how by the falling of leaves.
You flow as if changed somehow;
as if you learned how from the sound and the scene.

It’s all over me.
I’m covered by still waters and the sea.

Each movement counts.
You know, each time you’re out your absence is so well received.
And it shows in the way you spill out
and the ground is covered from beneath.

It’s all over me.
I’m covered by the breath of sighs left between.
It pours over me.
I’m covered by still waters and the sea.

So stay still in this dream.
We’re still lovers, you and me.
Just lie still through this dream.
In this room we’re set free.

When it’s all over me,
and I’m uncovered by the breast of sighs and screams,
your still waters will flow from me.

Memoir's avatar
Memoir said

Whooooh. Way cool sound. Wish there was something more explicative than an explicative.

Guest said

Haha, yeah. Consider this full of ****ing expletives. :-) Awesome!

thiscausticautumn's avatar
thiscausticautumn said

Bah... don't edit yourself on my account. Those are some nice fucking compliments. I'm really glad you've taken such a liking to our sound.

Guest said

This is 5 steps above kick ass. Its probably a lot of bad words describing how awesome it is. I will try and refrain :) Great work!

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Just discovered this through Kavin's, this is a great track. ACL had it right - sublime.

ghostly's avatar
ghostly said

Amazing!! Love it. Reminds me of Mogwai. Or Lift to Experience. Praise indeed....

tralk's avatar
tralk said

fairly awesome. the roar you've concocted is something to be really proud of.

thiscausticautumn's avatar
thiscausticautumn said

I'm pretty new 'round these parts and am still trying to figure things out. I don't seem to be able to respond to particular comments, so I'll give a group thanks to everyone for taking the time to check this song out and leave your mark. Yes, these is some clipping. This actually isn't the version I meant to upload but once I got it up I figured I might as well leave it, but yea, the clipping is a pain in the ears. The over version, I believe, is clipless. Thanks again, -Rain Fice, This Caustic Autumn


Well! ......That is some piece of work. Truly sublime. thanks. Vivian

Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card said

bad-ass is a good word(S?). Can't wait for more.

Piscean Dream Band's avatar
Piscean Dream Band said

That's pretty bad-ass. Sounds like it clips in spots but this is excellent. Right up my alley.

markholbrook's avatar
markholbrook said

This really sets a cool mood and keeps it going through the entire piece. Very nice!

mistakenforvision's avatar
mistakenforvision said

great song. I enjoy the noise - its on the edge - barely under control. Complex and creates a wonderful mood.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Oh my...this is EXCELLENT!
