monsieur poubelle

monsieur poubelle's avatar

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Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
A Friend of mine (Dave Passourd) is a very talented song writer... But he never records his stuff.... His songs rest with the memories of those that are lucky enough to get to hear his tunes. Here is what I remember of a Song that he…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a first run at MIDI drumming. I have my kit setup to a new Alesis Trigger I/O box. It turns my drum kit in to a USB MIDI drum kit. Pretty cool toy. Most of the kits I have in the software are dry to record. Obviously, the sound will…
launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Permanent Tourist's avatar
The first of my two little quartets I've written that have found their ways into songs of mine. This one is from the last minute of "And So We Roll."
Permanent Tourist's avatar
Something new for ya. Had to piece this one together . . . wasn't much to go on since Nirvana was just messing around on this song, but that's part of the fun, extrapolating stuff. For the record, I used the chords for the chorus that Nirvana…
monsieur poubelle's avatar

monsieur poubelle is a blanket term referring to several projects my brother and i have going on. a work mate from the C.A.R. who was teaching me a bit of french starting laughing his ass off when i said, “je m’appelle monsieur poubelle,” in reference to our never-ending, back breaking trash duties. from then on everything was, “poubelle.”

((( featured projects are… )))

bête tête SKOWLS mohalabonga stranger dance ONKY and definitely more to come.

from United States

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