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Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card



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This is a song i wrote. My first go at recording. Vocals are a bit wobbley but im gonna redo em at a later date. Brian Bazeley plays bass on the track. Hope you enjoy it.

Yardful of Birds's avatar
Yardful of Birds said

I like the guitar solo and who cares if the vocals are wobbly? They sound just fine to me.

Guest said

Nice one, my handsome! Great song-writing and cool vocal effect. Good to see the Cornish are invading Alonetone! I was feeling pretty alone here for awhile! :-)

Guest said

tremendous song...

Guest said

really nice guitar recording ..... the drums are still abit loose & the delay on the vocs is a bit over powering ......... maybe pull the mix down on the delay fx and push more of voc mix thru (delay on voc's is tricky as it can dull some raw feq's. lovly track tho :D

Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card said

if you redo the vocals you should save this version. It's cool.
