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Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card



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Recorded live at the Witch’s Night Out at the First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church in Fort Worth.

Big Joe Silence's avatar
Big Joe Silence said

enjoyed this. wish i'd been there to applaud. also, i went to that church until sometime in 1982. apparently it was very different back then. :D

Project Ungidos's avatar
Project Ungidos said

Hi, Christian Music? is very pisocodelico sound

+++'s avatar
+++ said

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Wonderful work - I'm mesmerized... w;-)

mmi's avatar
mmi said

exquisite e-bow elegance elevates every element

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice one man!
