Movement To Contact's listening history
Well, here's a REAL oldie. This is the one my kids like me to play most when we're in the backyard with the fire pit and the sun going down. They play gently through the first 4:07... And then run around like maniacs for the last 1:20.
Time for a noodle in the middle of the house move...packing....dumping......sorting...reminiscing..... still waiting to exchange contracts and mean't to be moving Friday....a little stressed
The reunion was on...they came from far and was held on Easter Sunday down at.....the new cellar of Regs...chiseled in to the Yorkshire Granite ....sound proofed....bomb they say it started with a beat...everything was…
The inner layers encaged and squirming. The layers beneath, beyond any obviousness.
This is a composition that was realized by playing a Fender Mustang which has a divided pickup connected to a Roland GR-20 guitar to midi converter / synthesizer. The GR-20 generated piano and saxophone sounds (in two passes) which were re-tuned…
One about needing some space....
Geir: Lead Guitar Line
Launched: Harmonies bass and Production
Mr OsCKilO : Chugging Guitars and Vox
Mrs OsCKilO: Lyric
Peace Guys
I did this classic a little while back with Mike over at the cool lab and i'd forgotten to put it from the teenage mists of time.........
in life, my foot print is my legacy...good or bad.... my existence is meaningless.
-a little on the chill side-