Movement To Contact's listening history
While I'm certain there are those who may be growing weary of scratching, I couldn't resist posting this great mix by Alister Flint, who is truly a master mixologist extraordinaire - he didn't even have individual tracks to work with! Al was too…
Abakua refers to a secret, Afro-Cuban, male society of percussionists - as I understand it, one had to be initiated into this society before they would be taught how to play percussion in their style. One of their hallmarks is to impose what I…
Abakua refers to a secret, Afro-Cuban, male society of percussionists - as I understand it, one had to be initiated into this society before they would be taught how to play percussion in their style. One of their hallmarks is to impose what I…
This is essentially a memorial for my little brother, about guilt and blame and the voids therein. I've recorded it a few times over the years, and this is the version we recorded with initial hopes of including it on Novella Minor, but it just…
A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :)
One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle…
After I read into RPM and understood that anybody could take the challenge, I joined up. I'm starting with a clean slate, so I hope I can finish! This a WIP of the first tune I'm working on. Everything I do will be recorded/produced with the Boss…
Played all at once through a little plastic hole (Micro BR), so I know it needs to be redone. I've been down with swine fever for the past few days and have barely been able to hang onto a guitar, so this ought to be a crowd pleaser :) A song…
An odd tune - took time to grow on me but I like it. Still a little sick, hence the froglike vocals and negligent production.
A song about the Rock of Gibraltar
All done on the Boss Micro BR
Long Goodbyes
You say your life is disgusting…
Welp... I didn't do a feckin' thing all weekend. No laundry, no nuthin'. So I figured I'd beat the living hell out of my Ibanez in order to make up for it.
A juvenile song at best, but I feel better now :)
One take in the MBR hole... I'll…