Movement To Contact's listening history
Turn the Lights Off
The music is from my Wildgeas 2016 RPM effort
I'm trying to vocalize them. :)
If you take a new lover
Turn the lights of when you go
You take the pain
I'm takin' the A train
You can have your nights…
Playing some Blues over a Bluesbreakers type backing track. Youtube vid link here as well.
Graveyard BioSun, Don't worry I'm not trying to be politically correct.
Don't tell me how it is, I'm good, I got it, I got it. But are we blind, and are there cracks in a facade? The riff was what came first, probably while watching the idiot box one evening. I am pretty sure it came very soon after RPM '15, and I…
Full of promise, fresh, new, worries are far away but still potentially seeping in. The antagonist is never far. The song began it's life when I was messing around with some Wurly and Rhodes sounds. The riff was almost an accident, and has been…
A song about being self-centered, it needed to be full of angst and antagonism, but also needed the glimmer of something bigger still. Already people have sent me notes, which I am grateful for, but everyone seems to misinterpret the meaning of…