Movement To Contact's listening history

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Songwriting Sessions at "Crisis Skylight" (Homeless Charity: London) today. Theme was "A Place"... I Chose home... Or what I understand of it... Concrete Ocean Tharek Ali Mokbul 2015 -Lyrics- Home is where I fell down It's where…
epimeison's avatar
Norm's avatar
In case you are in the mood today to kick some ass with Mike and me. Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail Drum, Bongos, and (of course) Cowbell. Concept=>Drive=>Plan=>Engagement. 6/8
epimeison's avatar
And here another version of another classic... Based on the original Julie London, sweet, incredible recording. I hope you like and/or enjoy this one.
Reefwalker's avatar
Thanks Norm for the percussion track, Groove for Saint Michael. The (Bass perc?) ties the whole thing down- Now get out there and enjoy the summer>!
Norm's avatar
A demonstration of the "glissando" technique of dragging a finger across a conga head. (Original Lynch song: "Stranger Than Friction")
Orphans's avatar
Cemetery Mary tboudreau /cmaiorano I went out creeping on a Halloween night Looking for the scream of my life Not a single soul was sleeping every spook was insight Even half-dead were alive There's a guilty moon hanging in the gallows…
Orphans's avatar
The Boogieman tboudreau I just might be hiding behind your bedroom door you might find me lying under your bed, down on the floor You swear you hear the creekin' coming up the stairs you got your eye on the peep-hole and nobody's there…
Jason H. Austin's avatar
i went more for a metal/rock guitar tone using my walnut carvin bolt 6 into my mesa triple recto into mycrate celestion cab.then recorded bass and drums.
Jason H. Austin's avatar
this is a song about how humans,in general,are idiots.i played all the parts.