Comments on Newbold's stuff

Newbold's avatar
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Cool soundscape. Is that analog synth?

Newbold's avatar
something of a logic and theme type song with a heartbeat --- made in matlab and put at freesound as a layer,,..
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Wild, Bill! Like falling in a vortex and the heartbeat I didn't note on first listen!

Newbold's avatar
something of a logic and theme type song with a heartbeat --- made in matlab and put at freesound as a layer,,..
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Great vibe here! Spacey and reflective. I once also used a heart beat through a really creates an intense feeling.

Newbold's avatar
AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

This feels like the soundtrack for yet-to-be-made sci-fi movie. With claymation aliens.

Newbold's avatar
this is for the sound-in event "Unheard improvisation playing event." I did not listen to the sounds and randomly picked the presets and settings on the supernova II --- I was just blindly looking at the levels in audacity as it was recording --
Guest said

How crazy, I felt in another dimension, I like it!

Newbold's avatar
unheard midi created performance--- using various presets and editing the midi and sound
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

unheard midi created performance--- using various presets and editing the midi and sound

Newbold's avatar
from the turtle toes album using the turtle toes midi— found here-
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Very unusual piece, and especially for your typical very thick wall of sound collages. Very good, I enjoyed the piece!

Newbold's avatar
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

thanks Jim-

Newbold's avatar
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Liquid space Bill, fluid and magical!

Newbold's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

This an impressive combination!

Newbold's avatar
the submission for the sound-in event Groove--- I have taken my voice and some synth samples mixed them in novations iPad app LaunchPad- so as using the voice samples in loops not too groovin but anyway---
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

like John Luther Adams in a way :) inventive with simplicity and I like where you transition to 'be the .... Bill

Newbold's avatar
neat stuff
musicMD's avatar
musicMD said

Very cool, crazy and well crafted and out of the box just like I like it...

Newbold's avatar
I have mashed Shane Cadman and Chris Vaisvil and myself. this is a neat mix -- I took Shane Cadman's song here and then with Chris's mandolin work I stretched it out to match the length of Shane's Song as well as doing the same with two drum…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Thank you for putting this together! Sounds great!

Newbold's avatar
my submission for the Emporium Artists album,.. it should be good.
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

!!!! such a mood!

Newbold's avatar
this is a Harold Budd tribute in memory of .. I had been listening to Harold since mid 80’s with pearl and ambient 2 when they came out about. I had a girl friend at the time going to Juilliard taking an elective electronic music class she told…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

this is really great!

Newbold's avatar
this is a Harold Budd tribute in memory of .. I had been listening to Harold since mid 80’s with pearl and ambient 2 when they came out about. I had a girl friend at the time going to Juilliard taking an elective electronic music class she told…
Anton's avatar
Anton said

Very interesting vibe to it, like a haunted wasteland. never heard piano like this before.

Newbold's avatar this song by Shane Cadman mixed with this song my Kävin Allenson Kävin's piece had the tempo slowed down to match the length of Shane's…
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said


Newbold's avatar
yeah the supernova II has very powerful beat creation tools.. like a-h letters of preprogrammed drum mappings going on— and a way to work with them I have never bothered with being a zero beat kind of person– so I took a little time out to put…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Thanks Din --- I saw you put up some new music here,.. and logged in .. good to see you back --- it has been a while since seeing you on here.---

Newbold's avatar
yeah the supernova II has very powerful beat creation tools.. like a-h letters of preprogrammed drum mappings going on— and a way to work with them I have never bothered with being a zero beat kind of person– so I took a little time out to put…
Din's avatar
Din said

make that 2:50

Newbold's avatar
yeah the supernova II has very powerful beat creation tools.. like a-h letters of preprogrammed drum mappings going on— and a way to work with them I have never bothered with being a zero beat kind of person– so I took a little time out to put…
Din's avatar
Din said

I love the drumming that starts around 3:00 :)
