from my tapes from 2009 it is part of three tapes digitized ... :) the high resolution is here
I put most of the audio tapes on video too.. and uploaded…
Thanks AMUC yeah this is one of the newer tapes I digitized a few months ago --- I used these digitized tapes in the background on videos as a layer sometimes. it is what I have been doing with these taped sounds.---
from my tapes from 2009 it is part of three tapes digitized ... :) the high resolution is here
I put most of the audio tapes on video too.. and uploaded…
I like this sort of thing - it reminds me of what you hear on shortwave in an empty spot where there are no voices. You get atmospherics and other artifacts from technological devices. At times it can almost sound musical.
the first Acid pro 10 stuff where I rework a recent work using the stretch effect and algorithms
this is the original work here
this is the selection that resulted in stretching, in high resolution…
thanks Chris.. :) the acid 10 process used to stretch this section of sound,, is just intense. --- and the section is where the sound is growing ,, and increasing.
the first Acid pro 10 stuff where I rework a recent work using the stretch effect and algorithms
this is the original work here
this is the selection that resulted in stretching, in high resolution…
the old song from 1993 mixed with tonites work on c-sound. :) just tooling about in c-sound. Q thing.
someone comment on the drift at the end of this.. my reply is thus --- that drift was made in 1993 when I after I think I had an mac two…
Different endless tape loop recordings of snippets of fretless guitar improvised then assembled and remixed in Pure Data Vanilla. For the Sound-In Event of Aug 1 2020
so impressive wow --- just like mmmm tasty texture touches. and tinglings --- just had to favorite this --- I think maybe to use this in a mix-- maybe but it might be too 'expressive' to work like that-
Similar in creation to Endless fusing analog cassette tape loop with Pure Data patch. This one I'm playing real time violin and manipulating in Pure Data. Like to thank Amulets ( for some recent inspiration. This…
Of late I've been going through a fascination with cassette tape. Really it started in 2019 when I released a Bandcamp release of mine on a physical cassette tape which is available at the link below. That said I've been inspired by Randall…
this has some interesting turns going on and looping too.-- so this was a physical thing with tapes. -- great. lots of work here /// I might make things like this with my tape collection after I have them digitized I guess--
First attempt at running a Mini-Moog through a Cry Baby wah-wah pedal. Sound setting was pink noise, with modulation added to the filter about half way through.
wow---Darmok with hands held open.. :)
It could have a counterpoint track added from a synthesizer performance that could happen-- maybe using this work as part of the synth construction--???
great.. this is sounding more experimental then avant garde .. not that I have ever been able to tell the difference them at times- What were those original words you spoke.. I sorta think I know what you said but yeah Have to make sure.
Thank you Greg, Colleen, and Andrew for your comments. I need to add a little more from that day so long ago.
The Battle for Layfayette Square were improvisational warm ups and cool downs for practicing this progressive rock attempt that clocks…
Initially a contribution to an upcoming Chris Vaisvil record. I did several short real time played or created samples and remixed live in a new Pure Data patch I'm developing the 53 seconds I did for Chris with my original samples enhanced…
I started listening to this the day before but had to do something it was getting off to a great start --- I am back to finish.. and listen to the beginning again..
Comments on Newbold's stuff
Some nice trippy sounds in there
Thanks AMUC yeah this is one of the newer tapes I digitized a few months ago --- I used these digitized tapes in the background on videos as a layer sometimes. it is what I have been doing with these taped sounds.---
I like this sort of thing - it reminds me of what you hear on shortwave in an empty spot where there are no voices. You get atmospherics and other artifacts from technological devices. At times it can almost sound musical.
This is pretty dope..
thanks Chris.. :) the acid 10 process used to stretch this section of sound,, is just intense. --- and the section is where the sound is growing ,, and increasing.
Cool sounding!
I don't know what movie this is, but I think I want to see it!
Kinda musique concrete, I like!
Like the subtle tonal colors
Yeah! Now I wanna get a hardware synth!
Good job!
this may be long, but it isn't empty. I really, really like this one!
nice sense of tonal nostalgia, true electro-acoustic
this has a lovely mood that is introspective and unique
this is the better stretching of the two stretches this time.
thanks Jim... I don't like the fuzzy static sounds like the recording is not "clean" you know
ghost in machine. Nice and short to the point!
nice curve to this Bill
Comments made by Newbold
just excellent --- this is art for me-- I love this. --- :)
thanks I heard this happening before I did it --- I sorta knew it was going to be a good mix--
so impressive wow --- just like mmmm tasty texture touches. and tinglings --- just had to favorite this --- I think maybe to use this in a mix-- maybe but it might be too 'expressive' to work like that-
nice and neat it works well this mix-- thanks for the upload-- here-
great it is true mostly the repeating --- why is the barrel empty ? or most empty?
yeah it is good these notes work together nicely --
nice... :) very pretty-
wow-- just intense this is--
this has some interesting turns going on and looping too.-- so this was a physical thing with tapes. -- great. lots of work here /// I might make things like this with my tape collection after I have them digitized I guess--
nice I like this.
interesting :)
impressive sounds so cool
wow---Darmok with hands held open.. :) It could have a counterpoint track added from a synthesizer performance that could happen-- maybe using this work as part of the synth construction--???
great.. this is sounding more experimental then avant garde .. not that I have ever been able to tell the difference them at times- What were those original words you spoke.. I sorta think I know what you said but yeah Have to make sure.
nice... powerful-
very delicate in its way--
yes very powerful music and lyrics.. can't quite hear the lyrics but I am glad you wrote them out the lyrics are the best I have seen ..-- wow
good sounds going on in this.
I started listening to this the day before but had to do something it was getting off to a great start --- I am back to finish.. and listen to the beginning again..
this.. this is so neat.. it has many different elements in a wide variety of way shapes maybe but a kind of protest in sound very good.