Newbold's listening history
Another Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man. Some similarities to "Polly...", but mostly different. Submitted to Sound-In "Changes" for 16-23/6/2022.
Something I found laying around and don't remember anything about it...
Hey there,
This is a song that has been in my head for a while now. I think it has an amazing content. It's originally for Violin Solo, but I made an arrangement for 2 Violas and 2 Violins. I added/changed perhaps 10 notes in total, it's crazy…
More Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man. Entirely by chance knob-twiddling, this lovely sound emerged that often resembles bells, and so I titled it aftera method of playing popular in English churches - though it probably doesn't resemble…