Newbold's listening history
More Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man. Entirely by chance knob-twiddling, this lovely sound emerged that often resembles bells, and so I titled it aftera method of playing popular in English churches - though it probably doesn't resemble…
Another Roland SE-02 through EHX Stereo Memory Man. Some similarities to "Polly...", but mostly different. Submitted to Sound-In "Changes" for 16-23/6/2022.
Roland SE-02 with sequencer running, LFO modulated, and slow delay, then run through EHX Stereo Memory Man also w/ slow delay. Submitted to Sound-In "Polyrhythms, etc" for 9-16/6/2022.
This is the title of the performance preset that was used in these sounds here I did this performance and recorded it — I divided this into 5 parts,. then switched performance presets - and made the second recording ..
This is the title of the performance preset that was used in these sounds here I did this performance and recorded it — I divided this into 5 parts,. then switched performance presets - and made the second recording ..
This is the title of the performance preset that was used in these sounds here I did this performance and recorded it — I divided this into 5 parts,. then switched performance presets - and made the second recording ..