Nick P's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
RPM Challenge 2018 Song #10 Listen to the entire album for FREE on
Movement To Contact's avatar
...Someone stupid who is unaware that their mouth is gaping open, often taking in gallons of air and spewing their own dry, bacteria rotten maw into your clean air in your vicinity... And a great quote from Stranger Things on Netflix.....
Movement To Contact's avatar
Intro Created only with an Electric Guitar
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I have always loved this poem by Robert Frost. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening BY ROBERT FROST Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods…
thetworegs's avatar
Old Age is a bitch..... As this game of truth, slowly fills up with lies As the happy ever after gets more and more disguised The inner truth will pull the mind closed tight As we introduced ourselves to the end of the night Somedays…
Greg Connor's avatar
I played this song at the Minnesota Association of Songwriters last month and asked them to critique it. They said it had too many chord changes.
World War Nine's avatar
An instrumental I worked on with the intention of eventually using it as the rhythm section of an actual song, with actual words & what-have-you. Born out of a desire to make it through this godforsaken winter here in Minnesota & hit…
JR James's avatar
Some solo guitar playing I did ovwr a backing track about a year ago for fun.
Nick P's avatar
A BIG, BIG thank you to Wildgeas who took my simple acoustic guitar song and turned it into a beautiful work of art. Arrangements and Production done magnificently by Paul Lennon (Wildgeas). Also, special thank you to Bethan who put her sweet…
Sister Savage's avatar
With music by Geoffrey Armes, written and recorded for RPM 2017.