Nick P's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
A song for Barbara and Jeff... When love is late it doesn’t matter It will flow back thru the cracks Be it truth or idle chatter Love shines sunshine on the facts How many chapters in the story Or how much time it spends Be it tragedy…
Movement To Contact's avatar
The song was written making multiple trips over both Wolf Creek and Cumbres pass during the winter months. Roads become impassable quickly and can leave you stranded on either side. Stuck waiting for the melt trying to get home you realize that…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Ed Craig's avatar
Greg Connor's avatar
Snow on the ground. Wind and temperatures below zero. It's time for another coffee table evening. Recorded live around my coffee table with: Mark Lofgren - Lead Guitar & Harmony Colleen Dillon- Ukelele & Harmony Greg Connor…
Greg Connor's avatar
Minnesota Coffee Table. Recorded 3/15/2017 with: Colleen Dillon - Percussion and Vocal Mark Lofgren - Guitar and Vocal Greg Connor - Guitar and Vocal
Greg Connor's avatar
Minnesota Coffee Table. Recorded 3/15/2017 with: Colleen Dillon - Percussion and Vocal Mark Lofgren - Guitar and Vocal Greg Connor - Guitar and Vocal
Will Stelter's avatar
Are you scared to wake up? In the same place you laid your head. You scribble on your make up, To pretend your face's not dead. And I know, Yes I know. The opposition shows. Are you afraid to take up? Memoirs of your past. You hang…
Will Stelter's avatar
I sleep, at the bottom of the sea, The waves crash, the fish pass, and I still won't hear a thing. Cause you drink, way too much again, You're alone, you're home. Hide your hands, hide your…
Erhyme music 's avatar
this music was written for 9ja ladies they are great.