Never stop messing about -- it produces great results! This is fabulous! You know you're one of my all time favorites -- this is a fine example of why. Rock on!
Flashback. No, I'm not talking about the kind of flashback you get from something called Sunshine you swallowed in 1976, but the kind you get from hearing a great recording that takes you back to all those crazy songwriting challenges back when ezFolk dot com was cool. It's a blast to hear this one again. You really rose to the challenge and pulled it off quite nicely. Rock on, Roger -- ROCK ON!
I'm not sure what part of England you're from, but if it produced you. Fran and Dave, then there must be something in the water -- all of you ROCK! Your guitar and Dave's harmonica is just one example, but y'all are consistently fabulous. No such thing as a bad Roger Dodger ditty! Rock on!
Well, IF YOU eveh spend time above the 45 th parallel
You know all about the northern view
So here is my imaginary solution to a northern cold ass winter
If you don't get it that's not unusual
Here is the latest song challenge offered by the Minnesota Asscociation of Songwriters:
. . . . . . . .
Your mission this month is twofold:
1. Try creating a boundary between the production of content versus the judging…
Sometimes life tends to repeat itself if you're not careful.... Good to find a moment to recognize old patterns and shake them off.
Great help on this one from the MN Coffee Table Gang - Greg Connor on guitar and vocals, and Mark Lofgren…
A friend got me excited about writing short instrumentals for Video, TV etc and posting them on Pond5 ( A site catering to that type of thing). I recorded this little banjo piece this morning.
I C see it all Em happen on the F evening C news
Am Someone G started C something G
C Running for Em cover, F crying the C blues
Am Your world is G just a C crumbling
C It was bad Em before and it’s F getting C worse
Am You think you G…
Comments on oldfolks2's stuff
Lovely song! The lyrics are beautiful, the singing and guitar are really incredible. Thank you for posting this!
Love the pulse of this! Everything works so well together. Great blues song!
I sooooo love this -- great job! Fabulous, really!
Rock on, Roger!
Never stop messing about -- it produces great results! This is fabulous! You know you're one of my all time favorites -- this is a fine example of why. Rock on!
An interesting arrangement of interesting chords -- colorful and tasty!
She's just a hoochie coochie cutie from the state of... misery Yes :-)
Yep, that's the stuff :-)
Oh yeah! I sooo dig your style. You've got great compositional tastes.
Awww! A kazoo solo! I bought one a year ago - haven't found a use for it yet (apart from annoying the missus!). Love the sound of this.
Fabulous fun!
Flashback. No, I'm not talking about the kind of flashback you get from something called Sunshine you swallowed in 1976, but the kind you get from hearing a great recording that takes you back to all those crazy songwriting challenges back when ezFolk dot com was cool. It's a blast to hear this one again. You really rose to the challenge and pulled it off quite nicely. Rock on, Roger -- ROCK ON!
Fun song!!! Candy floss sticks to your nose!!! Love it... especially the kazoo!
This is a fun one! Toe tapping on a sunny afternoon!
Great Harmonica accent. You guys should get some leather pants and go on tour!
Nice groove on this one!
Love the vibe and the harmonicas
One of my faves. Well, all of your stuff are faves, but this is one of my fave faves.
I'm not sure what part of England you're from, but if it produced you. Fran and Dave, then there must be something in the water -- all of you ROCK! Your guitar and Dave's harmonica is just one example, but y'all are consistently fabulous. No such thing as a bad Roger Dodger ditty! Rock on!
Comments made by oldfolks2
Great job guys ....
Ha Ha I love mushrooms .....
Excellent ....
Very good ....
Great story ...
I know that voice, can't beat the love of a good woman ....
I Know who you are ....... love it ....
Blimey Greg, that's so classy .....
Ooh, a great bit of magic ........ Coffee and Cream .........
Very nice ...... Great pickin'
Think you should be weary of that Bunny Boiler ......
Love it, Love it, Love it ......
Good tune mate .....
First class guys ..... a bit of magic .......
Excellent .... and a powerful message ......
Cool vibes ........
Rather poignant ... in a nice way ...
Love it ....... An empty glass !!!!!!! Sacre Bleu ........
Great RPM .....
Very good .....