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Paul Lennon's favorite tracks

by Paul Lennon



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A song about a friend of mine who by day is a postman and by night is one crazy dude……….

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Well that works.

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Great guitar!

jip's avatar
jip said

I dig the psychedelic lead guitar.

launched's avatar
launched said

That distorted bass riff is wicked glue man! The blues runs are quite a treat too - And now all I can think about is the mailman we have. I just know he's doing something crazy after work :)

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Ive been calling my Postman all sorts of names because he only brings me brown letters ..... ...What's he been bringing you? Great Track by the way

Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

Great lead F.D.R. Classic Rock and Roll!

Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

Aren't they all a bit CrAzY? I mean, why ring twice? He always does that.... :smile:

Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

This was a blast to listen to and started my day off right. I totally dig the way you ROCK! You've mastered an excellent formulae for writing and producing a song. Very choice guitar work! ROCK ON!

Guest said

that has made my day, awesome tune, all about me !
