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Piscean Dream Band

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This is the second song I recorded with Logic Express 7. In a nutshell it’s about how people can change (behavior modification)!

drakonis's avatar
drakonis said

Cool and rather unique sound to this song. I was not much of a fan for the dry-sounding raspy bass synth that sometimes appeared in my left ear (would have preferred a softer sound, or back further, more reverb?) But the rest of this was super-cleanly mixed, very crisp sound (stop making me lust after logic!) :-) ttfn, Drakonis

markholbrook's avatar
markholbrook said

Really clean, clear vocals. Nicely done! Guitar sounds very cool too as you have it panned! It almost sounds drop tuned... Is it?

mistakenforvision's avatar
mistakenforvision said

catchy! Nice vocals and lyrics.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said


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