Potato Surplus's listening history

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Why? Oh' I am not so ready in my heart But I will reach for closeness to the wind Fear stops what we feel. I feel i know you now. Lay Let's talk of all the things we need to say No whispers will suffice in our abode Only song of what we…
Altair Sound's avatar
Udon Noodles's avatar
Udon Noodles's avatar
Isolated Atoms's avatar
David Cameron vs Gordon Brown
jip's avatar
A more cheerful version of The Mouse. JB and I thought the other a bit mournful - when we wrote it we were thinking of a reggae version...so this is it.
jip's avatar
Most of the lyrics written in 1999, a tough year. Many thanks to JB for his awesome screaming lead playing (done first take, I should add!!!) and to LadyJane for supplying some oooo's. (anyone needing some vocals - send her your song!)
jip's avatar
Seriously - seriously? Nah! this is a post modernistic approach to nothing. Drum machine, but all else played live. Including the voice. I'm on the telephone. I wasn't. Bit of a quiz included - what are these songs??? I'm on the telephone. I'm…
jip's avatar
Well now - this is a collaboration between myself and lady Jane. It's an odd tale about a prince and a water maiden, with a twist in the "tail". Sounds quite 70's prog rock - hear it out for the twist. Lyrics: "In a land far away, lived a prince…
jip's avatar
Written at a bit of a dark time in my life. Just thought I'd commit it to mp3.