The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's listening history

Orphans's avatar
Alone On Christmas Once upon the end of every year well there Comes a time when we forget our fears And a childs face will light up for no reason Ho ho well it must be Christmas season Its been so long since i've seen your face it must…
02bfree's avatar
OK,there's three sides to every story. Yours. Mine. And the cold hard truth. So- let's just tell it like it is.
02bfree's avatar
The inspiration for this song was a hooker who lived next door to me.
02bfree's avatar
OK,there's three sides to every story. Yours. Mine. And the cold hard truth. So- let's just tell it like it is.
02bfree's avatar
Sunday morning warmup.A bit of Wes Montgomery octave playing,barre chording and working that little finger.
02bfree's avatar
Change is in the wind.
02bfree's avatar
Change is in the wind.
02bfree's avatar
Two guitar parts.The lyrics are still a work in progress.
thetworegs's avatar
From down deep in the cellar last night .....A jazzy number straight out of the box .........a noodle that got ad-libbed.......
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Thanks Regs for making my crappy music in to great songs. Enjoy!!! Sunday morning and she’s gone Sunday morning all day long She’s gone Now she’s gone I don’t feel a thing I’m so happy i’m free again She’s gone She thought…