The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's listening history
Love like a salt river washing away
Love's like sunshine evaporate
Love like floating candles blowing away
Watch out for the way you'll compensate
When I've seen all you have to give
When I'm still hungry
I need more than this
Tell me how…
Well Johnny kindly bought Rock n Roll down the cellar tonight and Bon decided to jump up and give this beauty his best it was a hell of a time and Johnny nearly blew his amps up. The whole cellar was shaking and so was Bon when he finished singing…
Well Johnny kindly bought Rock n Roll down the cellar tonight and Bon decided to jump up and give this beauty his best it was a hell of a time and Johnny nearly blew his amps up. The whole cellar was shaking and so was Bon when he finished singing…
I bought a thing called an irig for the I pad and an app Amplitude ...i used the onboard mic on the ipad......the song is my version of take it easy baby it's been Regged.... I still have to work out how to mix it .........I did this while sitting…
Tom came down the cellar this morning so Reg Regged up one of his tunes....... Straight out of the Micro Br i'm still trying to figure it out but it's coming..............
This one has caused quite a bit of discussion between us on how it should be mixed. Has anyone got an opinion because we would like to know how you would have mixed it, where would you have put the bass, piano, drums, voice, guitar etc. Any constructive…
I had a little time this evening to noodle about so i noodled with the Zep...i've Regged another one another classic i had to take down the cellar and Reg over ....i'm gonna revisit this so class it as a work in progress ....Hope you like it...i do
This is from years ago, living in santa fe.
I loved driving around in my little 1980s toyota corolla and listening to cassettes. I loved the way they sounded.
So I took a piano song I was working on, recorded it to cassette, dragged mic…
This is my first run through the 7th Goldberg variation. It's been about a month since I started practicing it. This is the first time I "made it"—meaning, it's a bit fumbling and pushes and pulls, but hey, I hit all the notes!
I've played…