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uglifruit's avatar
Part 2 - Courtroom and Sentencing. Courtroom. In which Angela cross examines the accused and his accomplice. Sentencing. In which Judgement is passed. Call the first witness Make you take the stand Raise up your right hand…
Al's left hand's avatar
Finally a good cut of this one. Named after Daniel Burnham of Chicago's Burnham Plan, this song is about the downfall of western capitalism. I'm completely unprepared for it myself -- I have no idea what I'll wear.
Al's left hand's avatar
Opening track, sets the scene.
Al's left hand's avatar
Inspired by the David Brooks book "Bobos in Paradise" and an article I read on the so-called "Prosperity Gospel", which is one of the weirder religious movements I've heard of.
Al's left hand's avatar
This song is about George Washington, and how politicians in the *cough* future world this album inhabits *cough* could perhaps use a bit of his character.
Al's left hand's avatar
Jess wrote the lyrics for this one, and unlike when I write lyrics, they speak for themselves.
Al's left hand's avatar
Again, Jess' lyrics speak for themselves. Man, distorted guitar is tough to mix around.
Al's left hand's avatar
This song is a meditation on the concept of freedom.
Al's left hand's avatar
The *cough* future *cough* mayor of Chicago holding court with his corporate backers.
Al's left hand's avatar
Title is a reference to a 2009 RPM album's title. It is a song about leaving Chicago.
Al's left hand's avatar
Homage, in various ways, to Bowie, Arcade Fire, Airborne Toxic Event. I wrote most of it while out running on dirt roads near the Cody landfill.
uglifruit's avatar
Part 1 - Hotel & Backstory. Hotel. In which Johnny tries to betray Angela, whose suspicions are raised when Jenny calls. Backstory. In which we learn about Julia's involvement in the affair. Lyric - So Jennifer sits…
uglifruit's avatar
En Francais. English lyric: I don't know why there is not another girl for me here Or near here, But over there are plenty of girls for him What a shame - what a shame Every day I watch the men and boys with girls on the beach…
kavin.'s avatar
Stumbled across this in the vault. Some cool summertime nightnoise from Hico, Tx. Listen close you can hear the coyote calls. Feel free to use it.
uglifruit's avatar
A song for/about Charles Manson. If you think you've found an answer Inside a 45 You need another needle and indeed you needed Beatles to realise Speaking on the record Backwards just to you First the curses then perverted verses…
dj num izisoundsystem's avatar
this is more bass guitar music chill out style
rob mills's avatar
We have an old and senile cat with a dodgy thyroid gland who is a total pain in the bum. I know she can't help it but god she annoys me, so this song is therapy. It's a love/hate thing. Recorded as part of RPM 2010
uglifruit's avatar
A song about the five stages of grieving, as devised by the (late) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Unfortunately knowing these stages does not help you get over them. You've been managing expectations Consultations end in tears Even if you're optimistic…
rob mills's avatar
A stupid love song. Recorded as part of RPM 2010
rob mills's avatar
Is it possible to think too much? I think it is. Recorded as part of RPM 2010