alonetone radio: Popular
I've just started to get back into le making de music. This is the first track I've put together, not quite done but everything is there. I have some ideas for lyrics but I feel like someone else might be able to give me an even better idea. So…
Full picture of the guitarron body - it sounded great - nicely deep.
The guitarron is fretless with a very short neck which reminds me of a giant Oud - the wikipedia article will give you an idea of just how huge this thing really is…
Together with a few guitaresque pieces (some are presented here, "Lettres 'D Amour" or "Mar Adentro" for example), this one was my "swan song" in already so distant 2009.
~Sign Of Hope~
I wanted to see how much "music" I could get out of one chord and four notes. Sorry that it has a sort of cheesy 80s sound at times, but that's when I started playing guitar and it's hard to reprogram your brain. The chord is Bsus2 and the solo…
Navy SEAL Team 6 took out you-know-who. Hope you like this jam!
This is a combination of field recording, slicing up a guitar performance into loops, using loops and effects that came with Sonar X1 in Sonar's matrix view with a bit of editing of the matrix performance.
Electric guitar improvisation with live looping and processing.
Jean Jaques Burnel is one of my bass heroes. This song is the second I recorded with the new Squier bass. I kept the other instruments secondary to show off the bass
basically.. this is a rap i made when i thought about myself relationship wise. WARNING, word-usage is very superfluous in curses,
Here is another one with vocals. I had completely forgotten about this and hearing it brought back the visceral thrill of making music with a group. Of course I have a ringing in my ears to remind me of those days. The only problem with this…