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Justin Otter Guy's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Justin Otter Guy


Same 12 Steps Solo 2

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This is an IDEA or blueprint for the solo of a song I wrote called the same 12 steps. It’s just a snippet and it’s unmixed but it’s just so pretty to me. This was one take on each track (backing/lead) but I think alot of the reason it turned out so cool was it was the very first time I plugged in and played this Peavy acoustic eelectric I was given by a random crack head who was making room for three 24inch rims in his back seat! True story… Can’t make this stuff up. Let me know what you think of the solo?

Guest said

I uploaded that track for you without guitar, I'm looking forward to what you come up with! Enjoy.......

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

This was wonderful!

Rock Lobster's avatar
Rock Lobster said

Sorry about the click! Its that loud from crosstalk! This is only 2 layers, the rhythm and the solo. i use IKMEDIA's original IRig and apparently something about the frequency of the Peavy acoustic/electric guitar really disagrees. I have tried other cables, seperate headphones, lowering the input volume and even using adapters on the input intrument cable... I'm out of ideas. No other guitar I use causes anywhere near the amount of feedback and crosstalk. But what you hear on this track is unprocessed RAW right from the guitar to the input. Natural and no post effects whatsoever. I absolutely adore the tone and it's a sound that I would love to utilize but I just can't fix it! Does anyone know why this happens or have an idea for a solution that I didn't mention trying earlier? I would be eternally greatful for any Suggestions :)

Rock Lobster's avatar
Rock Lobster said

Yes sir... the title may seem out of place for this piece as it stands alone here. The song that I plan to add this piece to a song I wrote about how difficult a particular set of 12 steps can be and how extremely daunting it can be to even try them again after having not made it "to the bottom floor" I use quotation marks because in the song I use that phrase as a metaphor for completing the 12 steps ( getting clean ) The chorus goes, "so here I go again, this time a different reason, to begin. To start back at those same 12 steps I've stumbled down before. But I've never made it to, the bottom floor"

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Just being honest, the title doesn't seem to fit. Could you tell us more about how you came up with the title or what it means to you? But, even for only being 43 seconds long, it really is gorgeous -- I love it!

Rock Lobster's avatar
Rock Lobster said

Thank you again Mr. GUY for talking me into uploading this! I would have never thought to share it but I have been waiting to record the entire song until I could workshop it with some people i respect and i think that alonetone has finally given me the opportunity. Tom Cruise willing, I may just even finish recording a entire song!

Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

The brevity of this makes it perfect for the intro/theme music of a TV show, and the style would suggest a show about family and love and growing up, like "Wonder Years."

Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

