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Justin Otter Guy's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Justin Otter Guy


Do What You Want

Uploaded .

But don’t bring me

The Proods's avatar
The Proods said


Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Thanks, SG!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Whatta great sound and song...perfectly executed. Love it.

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Thank you, Roger and erocnet.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

OOH !!! now that's out there.... love it :)

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

thanks'much Knd. Thanks newbold.

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Whatever that feeling is that I feel,..

Guest said

this is really good, has the Bowie vibe. The keys close to the end are stunning, wow!

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

thanks for the comments; reg, akatski, and j earls.

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

thanks dudes; nightmoth, sha-min, loud as hope.

Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

An interesting compilation of sounds. Unique vocal mix. The lyrics ROCK! Altogether? Groovy! Rock on!

Guest said

Great song as usual, from Puddleglum happy holidays
