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Justin Otter Guy's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Justin Otter Guy


Crazy S.O.B.

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In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior.


High stepping, loud talking
Crazy S.O.B.
A self proclaimed ladies man
That know one else could see
I wish I would have had the chance
To give his eulogy
That high stepping, loud talking
Crazy S.O.B.

I’ll tell you from the get go
Yes he was my friend
Ego like a freight train
His sass would never end
He’d kill if he saw weakness, he tolerated me
Yes that fella was my friend
That crazy S.O.B.

He told me ‘bout his people
He came from royalty
And made it clear he did not care
To be seen with me
I always saw him barking
I never seen him bite
I think he even told me once
He thought I was alright

I’ll tell you all a story
If you buy the beer
I guarantee you’re laughing
When you get on out of here

I was not at the funeral
I doubt that there were tears
It makes a person wonder
How he lasted all those years
When his name gets mention
The stories will be told
Know one seems to realize
He had a heart of gold

Guest said

Remember when Rick was in his office and Jim dropped his pen on the floor. Jim had to lay his head on his desk to reach his pen. Rick thought he had a heat attack and was afraid he may have to give him mouth to mouth. Of course Rick told the story so good he had us all cracking up. I still miss those days. Great group of people. Super One was growing so fast and everyone's sales were way up and we just had fun. Is Rick retired?

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Just a few stories recieved on email regarding our friend: Eric always tells the store about when Jim was trying to get into his little Buick Skylark to go to lunch. Of course because Jim was so big he had to hold on the top of the car and lower himself in. Well Eric decides to wash his windshield and shoots washer fluid all over Jim while he's stuck trying to get in the car. Eric had to pay to dry clean his suit. __________________________________ I've been thinking lately of all the stories about him. Like when I would take him out to lunch. He'd order some big thing like the broiled trout, toss salad with oil and vinegar and more. Then the waitress would look at me. I would say "I'll have what Dad's having". He would erupt claiming "I'm not your father you Bastard!" Good Times ... Good Times! I still giggle when I think about some of his antics. ______________________________________ I remember when he bought his first BMW. I asked him what kind of millage he got. He said "Who gives a shit" ______________________________________ I was in his office trying to present some promotion. He dropped his head on the desk when I mentioned the price, and it scared the hell out of me. I thought he had a heart attack, and I was going to have to give him mouth to mouth

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

I guessing, but did that cold blast of winter air create this good ole song ? If it did, lets hope the DAMN COLD I'm suffering brings out one as good as this.

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Now that is a great name!!! and a great the harmonica Greg...outstanding!

Guest said

Well my comment is on the home page but not on yours Greg. "Curiouser and curiouser"!

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

This one gives me a good feeling, I hope somebody remembers me as well someday. (smile)

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

This one gives me a good feeling, I hope somebody remembers me as well someday. (smile)

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

This one gives me a good feeling, I hope somebody remembers me as well someday. (smile)

Guest said

Goodness, there's a name to be reckoned with! I love everything about this track but I really love the harmonica. So perfectly in keeping with the song. Well, I think you made an excellent and truthful tribute.

Robert Palomo's avatar
Robert Palomo said

Another crazy S.O.B. takes his hat off and goes, "Pilgrim, that sez it right there, yessiree." As fine a tribute to a friend as I've seen.

Guest said

I am faved out.Super tune A story song always hits me right in the sweet spot!!!!!! I love it
