Reefwalker's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
There's a few things going on here in this little all MIDI experiment. First, I wanted to show an example of artistic clipping to go with my current posts in the forums on the subject. The kettle drums in this piece clip in to the red on their…
Norm's avatar
Improvisation on congas and very fragile, clay Moroccan bongos (which my brother found for me from an African display at some zoo!). These bongos are basically clay pots with permanent, very thin goat skins stretched over the top - they can not…
Max Sipowicz's avatar
This is the first tune I wrote using an actual loop pedal. I really like the rawness of its form. The sound is sharp, it kind of attacks your ear.. but then after it loops around a few times, it calms down and sinks in.. I expect that there will…
Torben Asp's avatar
Also known as "Sequence 6 & 7" in the "Watercolors" project which was my entry to the RPM Challenge 2010. It is all about that overwhelmingly happy feeling that makes you weak in your knees and you just feel like sitting down and enjoy the…
Torben Asp's avatar
"Senses" is all about Spring where all our senses are sharpened and we look at all the beautyful things that rises before our eyes. Watch the video from Second Life too...very well made by Soundr Productions;o)
Torben Asp's avatar
We Need More Cowbell!!!
Torben Asp's avatar
We Need More Cowbell!!!
athorp's avatar
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Lots of use of Loops and effects with nerdy rapping going on in this song. Just like one of the lines of the lyrics suggest, I forgot what I was talking about all together on this song. Probably has to do with saying "just like" before everything…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Lots of use of Loops and effects with nerdy rapping going on in this song. Just like one of the lines of the lyrics suggest, I forgot what I was talking about all together on this song. Probably has to do with saying "just like" before everything…