Rick Phillips's listening history

Reefwalker's avatar
I realize now that any song with the word "cathartic" in the lyrics has flow issues... Cheers!
Reefwalker's avatar
Mid-flight serenity until that moment, you know those moments im talking about... In-flight samples recorded by me, drums, guitars.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
An underwater groove from 2005 recording session.
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Their bark is worse than their bite.
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Keith Landry's avatar
The first recorded version of this song, this little folk song was originally written fifteen or so years ago with just the four chord rhythm guitar and single vocal. The song became what it is today when I needed to write additional verses for…
mmi's avatar
I've been noodling about with these chords for what feels like an eternity. They just are telling me what they want to be when they grow up... so I thought it's just time to record them and maybe solicit some kind of feedback. Since I was…
Crystal Dawn's avatar
from Live at KXCI Tucson, AZ studio session: When I was in the 7th grade, I used to skip school on Wednesday mornings so that I could watch the Nat King Cole show on PBS. I was mesmerized by his music. I could feel his vocal influence as I wrote…
Norm's avatar
Improvisation on congas and very fragile, clay Moroccan bongos (which my brother found for me from an African display at some zoo!). These bongos are basically clay pots with permanent, very thin goat skins stretched over the top - they can not…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Deadlines, freeways, appointments, things to do lists, expectations, getting older, not enough hours in the day to get everything done? ..... make each day and moment count! Thanks to Dave Matthews for a lick I threw in there. Enjoy!