Rick Phillips's listening history

Lena Selyanina's avatar
This song was inspired by Alexander Pushkin's short story The Snowstorm: http://home.freeuk.net/russica2/books/pushk/metel/snow.html
Lena Selyanina's avatar
Peace and sweetness of a summer morning..
Lena Selyanina's avatar
A dark and dramatic solo piano piece inspired by the sounds of dozens if not hundreds of trees breaking down and collapsing under the weight of sticky ice and snow last winter in Saratov, Russia, where I was on a visit.
Newbold's avatar
this is the midi file called porcupine-22 feed thru my supernova II not sure where clones got the file or if that was one he made himself but I believe it was in the section of MIDI files to feed into the nova.. :) then the edits and the mixing…
Lena Selyanina's avatar
Like black feathers...
1981's avatar
Rick Phillips's avatar
Since Norm found himself in an acoustically great room, full of unfinished cabinets I couldn't help but add some acoustic guitar, crank it up and hope you like it Norm!
Graduate's avatar
Paper Girls is one of those tracks which I wrote based on my experiences that I hope others can relate to in their own way. Soft, breathy vocals courtesy of Anezka Piska.
Breaking Light's avatar
A live gig recording.
Pasha's avatar
Featuring Irina Panfilova, Piano Solo Harvesting Memories by Pasha is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.