Robert James's listening history

Robert James's avatar
Song #4 of the 2022 RPM Challenge. I like this one. If this were a real album and I had to pick a single for release this one would be on the short list. Even if it is in 6/4 time and GarageBand's drummers almost always put a pointless crash…
Robert James's avatar
RPM Challenge 2022 song number 3. This one is okay. I have a feeling that anytime I work in 6/8 time I come up with exactly this song. I knew the lyrics in the chorus (the second line) were bad but I thought I could live with them. Now…
Robert James's avatar
The second song started for the 2022 RPM Challenge is the second song finished. I'm sort of working off a first in first out queue this year. I didn't plan it that way, but that's how it's going. I'm disappointed in this one. It's not a…
Robert James's avatar
The first song worked on and the first song finished. The 2022 RPM Challenge is well underway! I had a few gimmicky ideas for this year's challenge and this song hits on some of them. First, I wanted to get away from the small room reverb…
Robert James's avatar
Song #6 for the 2022 RPM Challenge. Guitarmonies AND a drum solo? Sure, why not? This one is okay, I guess. Like most of the songs I am working on this month it's really short and kind of mediocre. Not bad, just not that good. Kind of…
Robert James's avatar
2022 RPM Challenge song number five. Meh. Rhythm guitar in your right speaker is a Gibson SG. In the left as well as the lead is a Les Paul Standard. The amp for all tracks is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. Pedals for the rhythm tracks are…
Robert James's avatar
RPM Challenge song number seven. Chug chug chug chug... was I trying to make a metal album? There are a couple of songs that sound like an old person trying to remember what metal songs feel like. Oh well. Not much to say about this one…
Robert James's avatar
RPM Challenge song number seven. Chug chug chug chug... was I trying to make a metal album? There are a couple of songs that sound like an old person trying to remember what metal songs feel like. Oh well. Not much to say about this one…
Robert James's avatar
Song #6 for the 2022 RPM Challenge. Guitarmonies AND a drum solo? Sure, why not? This one is okay, I guess. Like most of the songs I am working on this month it's really short and kind of mediocre. Not bad, just not that good. Kind of…
Robert James's avatar
2022 RPM Challenge song number five. Meh. Rhythm guitar in your right speaker is a Gibson SG. In the left as well as the lead is a Les Paul Standard. The amp for all tracks is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. Pedals for the rhythm tracks are…