Robert James's listening history

Robert James's avatar
Song #4 of the 2022 RPM Challenge. I like this one. If this were a real album and I had to pick a single for release this one would be on the short list. Even if it is in 6/4 time and GarageBand's drummers almost always put a pointless crash…
Robert James's avatar
RPM Challenge 2022 song number 3. This one is okay. I have a feeling that anytime I work in 6/8 time I come up with exactly this song. I knew the lyrics in the chorus (the second line) were bad but I thought I could live with them. Now…
Robert James's avatar
The second song started for the 2022 RPM Challenge is the second song finished. I'm sort of working off a first in first out queue this year. I didn't plan it that way, but that's how it's going. I'm disappointed in this one. It's not a…
Robert James's avatar
The first song worked on and the first song finished. The 2022 RPM Challenge is well underway! I had a few gimmicky ideas for this year's challenge and this song hits on some of them. First, I wanted to get away from the small room reverb…
Robert James's avatar
The first song worked on and the first song finished. The 2022 RPM Challenge is well underway! I had a few gimmicky ideas for this year's challenge and this song hits on some of them. First, I wanted to get away from the small room reverb…
Robert James's avatar
After almost seven years, my stupid little idea to re-record a few songs and improve/update them comes to a glorious end. Finally! It was supposed to be 8-10 songs and here I am posting #57 (I think). Enough already! This is what happens…
Robert James's avatar
In 2014 I finished the RPM Challenge at the end of February and then did another album in a month in March... and in April... and so on for the rest of the year. This was from April (I think) and I was literally asking myself what the hell I…
Robert James's avatar
This song has been recorded twice so far. The original was part of the failed RPM Challenge in... 2011? It might have been 2010 but I'm 90% sure it was 2011. I redid it again a few years later when I was wrapping my brain around GarageBand…
Robert James's avatar
Quarantine Tunes Volume 6 will have the only two songs worth listening to (barely) from my botched 2009 RPM Challenge, and the only two songs worth listening to (barely) from my botched 2011 RPM Challenge. This is the first of the two 2011's…
Robert James's avatar
The unsuccessful RPM Challenge in 2009 had two songs that weren't disgustingly bad. I uploaded a version of one the other day. This is the other. Nothing really noteworthy here. I had a new harmony on the first chorus that I during the mix…