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Its Not Funny Anymore

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I wrote a blog post about Donald Trump. The gist of the statement was that every four years we joke about how if the Republican Presidential Candidate wins the general election, where are we going to move? Canada? UK? In the post though I said that a Donald Trump win would probably turn the little joke into a reality. Within seconds of publishing my little essay, a Trump aggregate website reblogged it. So my very anti-Trump post was published on a pro-Trump page complete with links to donate and an approved by The Donald message. I laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

So yeah, Trump is on my mind this year.

The guitar part here pissed me off to no end. I wrote it using GarageBand on an iPad. Using the crappy guitar sounds as a place holder until I could record the real thing. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t play the effin’ chorus. I ended up surrendering to my lack of talent and split it into two separate parts. I feel like a failure.

The guitars are all ES-335, like all the electric guitars in this year’s RPM Challenge.

Its Not Funny Anymore


Its not funny anymore
The joke is on us all
Its not funny anymore
Get ready for the fall

Its not funny anymore
Can’t we call it quits
It’s not funny anymore
enough with hateful glitz

Verse 1:

Hatefulness, fear and greed
Is that what we stand for
All for one and none for all
You answer that call

Verse 2:

Us vs them, Me against you
We’ve Seen this all before
Divide conquer alienate
hear them cheer for more


Plays well in the sticks
Looks good on TV
Terrify the hicks
Make them love me

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one
