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Another Late Night

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2021 50/90 Challenge song number 17.

Noteworthy to no one but me that this is the first song started and finished within the month of August. So it counts for the RPM Challenge’s Record Every Month thing. I haven’t submitted a song to the site since May, but I have completed that challenge every month since it started in March. Check that box.

I don’t know what possessed me to invert all the chords in this one, but every almost every chord or arpeggio you hear is a second inversion (meaning the fifth is on the bottom). Fascinating, eh?

I wasn’t planning to bury backwards leads at the end, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Rhythm guitars are a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s into a Ryra the Klone and a Fender Bassbreaker 15. The leads are the same except there is a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter stuck between the Ryra and the amp.

A late night
Another one
its not right

The way it was

Its all down to me
Down to me now

So just let it be
I can see its me

Verse 1
No telling
No question

Verse 2 and 3
So tell me
what you mean
I agree
its routine
