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Run Away Together

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And the 2021 50/90 Challenge is underway. One down, 49 to go.

This one came quick and easy, which probably means I’ve written this entire song already but who cares. I like the chorus. I sing an arpeggio. It’s almost like I took two years of music theory in music school (I did).

The guitars are all my Gibson Les Paul Standard 50s. The amps are all Fender Bassbreaker 15. All of the guitar tracks used a Ryra The Klone pedal, and the leads also used a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

Happy 50/90, everyone!

come and see
come and see me
we’ll run away together

come and see
please come and see me
we’ll run away forever

Stillness motionless
Feel the world around you breath
quietly alone

Try to take it in
Question everything you see
Time is not your friend

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