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So Far to Go

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Another song for the 2021 National Solo Album Month.

What do we think of this cat? I have an urge to get proggy right now and generally that requires a level of talent that I don’t posses. I’m not putting myself down when I say that, it’s just a fact. Still… every now and then I try and this is one of those times. I didn’t set out to write this, I just came up with three things that were about the same tempo and glued them together… and then messes around with all of them.

I think I like this. At least I like it right now. I have a feeling the poor aspects (the guitar is out of time here and there and the vocals are out of tune all over the place) are going to ruin it for me. I hope this one ends up being my favorite of the month though. Time will tell.

Really, it’s all worth it for the one bar of backwards guitar at the end of the last head banging section.

Lots of different guitar tracks here. They are all a Les Paul Standard and a Vox MV50 Clean. The pedals for the cleanish rhythm tracks are a cheap little Joyo Vintage Phase (just for eight bars or so) into a Ryra the Klone. The heavy tracks lose the phaser and add a Wren and Cuff Super Russian after the Ryra. The leads used the Joyo into a Chicago Stompworks Blooze Maker into the Ryra. The heavy leads were the Ryra into a Chicago Stompworks Mr Vermin.

Verse 1
So long ago
So far to go

Verse 2
The next time you think of it
you’ll have to go back a bit
there’s no way that you could say
that you know a better way.

Bridge 1
so trying
so tiring
the lookout
sees nothing

Bridge 2
I feel like it’s coming around
keep trying
I know that it’s moved underground
bad timing

So long ago
So far to go

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yeah, I'm with JMT, I really like this. I haven't been doing much, if any, listening on here for ages... popped in for a moment, saw his comment and hit play. Really glad I did

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I really like this. It's got a lot going on but the voice is clear and there is a sense of space.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Rock On!!!!!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Mix your voice up at least on the level of the solo guitar...
