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Good lord does this song suck. It came to me almost fully formed one day during my lunch break and usually when that happens I end up really liking the song, but holy crap this is awful. I was planning on mixing this and uploading it then going to bed, but now I have to find another song to mix tonight so that this one doesn’t stay at the top of my queue. It’s just embarrassing how bad this song is. What the hell is wrong with me?

Les Paul Standard into a Vox MV50. The rhythm used a Ryra the Klone and the lead used the Ryra and a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

when you get down to it
you can sense it happen
so you have to admit
its the strangest thing around

Verse 1
you can feel it coming
whats the use pretending
you just know its come for you
its coming for you

and now you know its over
its time for full disclosure
its always getting closer
time is running out for you now
