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Keep it Together

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Finally, I have something to submit for RPM’s Record Every Month. Sure, it’s crap but I’ve had a tough few months.

I had stomach surgery almost five months ago and I couldn’t play for the first month as I recovered. Then when I started slowly venturing back into music I blew out my voice while tracking some vocals and it scared the hell out of me. My range was reduced to that of a croaky flea and I backed off while I impatiently hoped it would return. It did, mostly. In the meantime I threw myself into my other creative outlet, bad photography, until I came to the realization that buying and developing film is tough to afford when you have two kids in college. So I picked up my guitar again, only to find that my shiny new MacBook Pro with an M1 chip doesn’t play nicely with my USB audio interface and my home recording setup is a small step above useless.

So yeah, the song is shit but the fact that it exists is kinda miraculous. There should be three more songs coming right behind this one and they are all worse… so… yeah.

The guitars are all Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s and the amps are all Fender Deluxe Reverb. Pedals on the rhythm tracks are an MXR Phase 95 into a Klon KTR into an MXR Carbon Copy Mini. Leads used a Real McCoy Custom RMC10 into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian

Verse 1
I hear what you say
The answer is clear to me
Just give me a day
Let’s see what becomes of it

Verse 2
If we took a chance
to see what we make of this
Let’s try to enhance
the things that can work for us

Just keep it together
there’s no way that won’t make it through
Hang in there forever
Its as simple as it can be

I do it for you
I do it for you
