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Written for the RPM Challenge’s Record Every Month thing back in June and left unfinished and forgotten about until earlier today. I had some vocals to record and wanted something to use to warm up and I found this just waiting for me and finished it. I kinda wish I’d paid closer attention to it back in June. I kinda like it. that bridge thing in the middle has to go, hence me putting 500 pounds of sauce all over it, but otherwise I kinda dig it.

The guitars are all my Les Paul Standard 50’s. The rhythm used an MXR Uni-Vibe into a Ryra The Klone into a Vox AC15. The lead for most of the song was a Dunlop Crybaby into the Ryra into a Keeley D&M Drive into a Vox MV50 Clean. The lead at the very end was a cheap little Joyo Vintage Phase into a Chicago Stompworks Blooze Maker into the Ryra again into the MV50.

As though the sun is born of the ocean
and then it goes to rest in the land

Verse 1
Try to stay on target
try to hold the line
try to never regret
that there were never answers

Verse 2 and 3
There’s a simple answer
that’s too much for me
Its the great adventure
that I will never get to see

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