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How Do You Know Where to Go

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The second song started for the 2022 RPM Challenge is the second song finished. I’m sort of working off a first in first out queue this year. I didn’t plan it that way, but that’s how it’s going.

I’m disappointed in this one. It’s not a good song at all, but the recording doesn’t live up to the meager potential. It just sounds sort of flat and lifeless. I don’t think a high energy performance would save it, but it would at least be better than this.

The gear list… The rhythm guitar coming out of your left speaker is a Les Paul Standard 50’s. The guitar coming out of your right speaker is an SG Standard. The leads are the Les Paul. The amp for all tracks is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. For pedals on the rhythm guitars we have a Ryra The Klone into a Keeley D&M Drive. For the leads it’s a Real McCoy Custom RMC10 wah pedal into a Klon KTR into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

How do you know
where to go
how do you know
its coming to me
how do you know
where to go

Verse 1
Lets run away
run away from here
what do you say
is my meaning clear

Verse 2
Come take a look
I will help you see
its by the book
put your faith in me

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Actually, I think it works (I've been getting some of that - I'm disappointed, but the listeners think it's mighty fine - so I kinda know what you feel like now!) .... anyways, love the groove and riffing on this. The chorus is cool, but it's maybe not standing up to the job it's being asked to do nearer the end? Maybe that's what's leaving you feeling flat about it? I'm still digging it, though.
