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That Double Dealing Feeling

Robert James

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Song #4 of the 2022 RPM Challenge.

I like this one. If this were a real album and I had to pick a single for release this one would be on the short list. Even if it is in 6/4 time and GarageBand’s drummers almost always put a pointless crash cymbal on the fifth beat of the first bar in every section of the song (FRUSTRATING! Does Logic Pro do that too?), and even if there is one bad note in one of the guitar solos, and even if the ending is sloppy because it was an improv with just a guitar and no click track and I didn’t think I was going to keep it so I left it there with the intention of fading out the track before hand and then changed my mind during the mix and boy is this a run on sentence or what!

I also realized today that I may have lifted some of the lyrics in the chorus from a slightly less than good Deep Purple song (Lady Double Dealer from Stormbringer. The title song is the absolute balls but the rest of the album is really bad). Oh well.

The rhythm guitar in your right speaker (or your right ear if you’re wearing headphones like I was when I mixed this) is a Gibson SG. The left speaker is a Gibson Les Paul Standard. The lead is also the Les Paul. The amp on all of the tracks is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. Pedals on the rhythm parts are a Ryra The Klone into a Keeley D&M Drive (just the Dan side). The leads used a Real McCoy Custom RMC10 wah into a Klon KTR into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

You know that feeling
That double dealing
You get the meaning
that disbelieving

Verse 1
I hear you talking
around in circles
the lie you’re sharing
is universal

Verse 2
you’re kind of two faced
logic withstanding
can’t chalk it up to

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