43 tracks by Ron

Ron's avatar
Written by John Turner from his new release The Whole Shabang. John on Drums & Lead vocal, me on all guitars and backing vocals and Ken Hornoff on bass and recorded at his Tukar studio. First time we did the power trio thing!
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Ron's avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mVx_GpU_V0 The latest release from Sunset Dadeze.. "Never Please" written by Ron Rouch, lead vocal by Lindy. Lindy and Bob came up with the background vocals as well and both play acoustic guitar. John on…
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Ron's avatar
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
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Ron's avatar
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
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Ron's avatar
Well the virus has my friend and music partner in Krakow Poland sheltering in place but we are using the time to write and record..here is our latest...we tried to write in the style of Motown...check it out ... all music and production by Art…
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Ron's avatar
First song for the Dirty Thump II CD from Krakow, Poland!!! kind of heavy compared to Sunset Dadeze, my band here in the good ole US sunsetdadeze.com a retelling of every musician that wanted to deal with the devil to be a star…
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Ron's avatar
I wrote this song about Dementia, my father does not know who I am even though he lives with my wife and I...he is 91 and very happy and never gets upset, but I can see he gets scared sometimes. he has to be watched all the time..he has wandered…
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Ron's avatar
This is the first time I have played in drop D this is a Springsteen song that he borrowed the title from a Pete Seeger song..and I like the way Warren Haynes plays it live...so here is my humble attempt at it...
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Ron's avatar
for Gene's contest...great title and inspiration!! “How To Assemble Your Android” Yesterday a box of parts came to my front door I thought she came assembled, ready to be my whore Tore the box apart and to no one’s surprise I was missing…
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Ron's avatar
Here is my version of Greg's Cherry Pie...I took a little liberty with it and recorded a whole new song.....I think Greg said that would be ok!! Tried to put the Sweet Ronnie Cream Cheese Mojo on it....good gawd!!!!
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Ron's avatar
Been a while since I posted anything...(working on a secret project) anyway been feelin the blues lately so I decided to record this old blues tune...the lead guitar was recorded in one take so please dismiss some clams and relentless wanking…
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Ron's avatar
I did this as a way to practice singing....why I am trying to learn to sing at 64 is a little strange.... I wish I had leaned to sing when I was starting out..but I always played in band with lots of singers and never had to sing much…
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Ron's avatar
this is the new Remix by Art First collaboration with Greg Connor for 2014!! Greg's lyrics...he sent them to me along with his version and said I could do as I please...so I had my way with them and this is what came out.a little experimental…
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Ron's avatar
wrote and recorded this last Christmas...all guitars are my PRS SC Trem LTD (with rosewood neck) keys and bass and (ahem!!! vocals) by me as well Tis the season... so thought I would go for a repeat!!!.....Merry ho ho Christmas!!!
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Ron's avatar
Another oldie form Andy and I and requested by Gene Eric Mann....this one is about a friend of Andy's that had a drug problem....Andy wrote all the lyrics and plays rhythm guitar...weird guitar parts and all other instruments sre me and me playing…
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Ron's avatar
This is a request from Gene Eric Mann one of mine and Andy's older ones...we envisioned this a a soundtrack for a horror movie....Andy thought of the story because his son likes to go into the woods near his house and brng back sticks!! this is…
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Ron's avatar
My instrumental cover of Christina Aguilera's song "Beautiful" I guess I am ready for the old folks home!!!! ...now that I am doing ballads!!! I just happen to really like the chord progression and thought I would try an instrumental cover…
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Ron's avatar
From the early 70's...an old Crusaders tune with Larry Carlton..I bought this licensed backing track with no guitars....so the guitars are me... drums , Bass and keys are the backing track..
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Ron's avatar
Right from today's headlines....a shameful tune I just had to write. Lyrics and inspiration by Greg Connor Lyrics, music and all instruments and vocals by Ron Send me your email If you’d be so kind I’ll send you a picture From front and behind…
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Ron's avatar
This has probably happened to every one....family comes in for a visit but just uses you as a hotel...and leaves the dog for you to take care of while they are out having a ball.....freeloaders!!! Inspired by Uncle Greg!! all instruments and…
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