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Some of us are helplessly watching our country burn while imbeciles fan the flames.
A bunch of strings were plucked and bowed for this one.
Another rock song. We managed to put together a little musical junket for your listening pleasure.
A song for anyone who's spent any time at all with a human toddler.
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This song was written for a songwriting challenge issued by the MN Association of Songwriters where the title had to include the word 2021. I am uploading it this morning on a very proud day here in the USA - Inauguration day 2021!!!!! I am…
My daughter joined marching band at High School and the this is a little song about how crazy it is during Band Camp.
Not much to say about this one. Riff's been wafting around in my mind for a couple of years. Probably didn't do it justice, but procrastination got the best of me.
You've been gone too long
I've been here before
some remnant condiment
behind the oven door
I shut the door so long ago
there's demon in the code
if I took the chance to let you out
the whole thing could implode
To make you go away…
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Noodling around with classical guitar and came up with a progression. It progressed (regressed?) from there.
Parts are as rough as a cob, but I kind of like it. And when all's said and done, that's about it, right? If the creator of something…
My first track for FAWM 2021. Inspired by my laundry basket.
Power trios have always been my favorite kind of rock band. I like them so much, I'm in one. This was written for them, but with the pandemic and our minuscule practice studio, I did this at home, all by myself.
This is Part B) of the Miscellany Trilogy. Parts One and aye, aye, aye to come.
It's all recorded live by me. Only the acoustic guitar was done in one take. I had to learn the bass, drums (poorly) and keyboard parts, so mistakes were made…
We used to play poker for stuff. For example, "I'm in for this houseplant"
"I'll see your houseplant and raise you a Butthole Surfers pin"
"Too rich for me"
"Ok, I'm in for the houseplant, the pin, and this baseball cap"
Usually my bluffs…
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Noodling around with classical guitar and came up with a progression. It progressed (regressed?) from there.
Parts are as rough as a cob, but I kind of like it. And when all's said and done, that's about it, right? If the creator of something…
Noodling around with classical guitar and came up with a progression. It progressed (regressed?) from there.
Parts are as rough as a cob, but I kind of like it. And when all's said and done, that's about it, right? If the creator of something…
from Louisville, US
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