Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
A second experiment with my new Rytme sequencer. This time Rytme is being fed into Logic to a track containing Kore 2 which is, in turn, hosting Kontakt 3 and the lovely Guzheng from Soniccouture (I bought the instrument before the new year but…
Guest said

your tracks are cool. good sounds and production. i'm wondering if you could add dynamic control to your programming giving more volume shape/build to your tracks.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
bigguitarbrad's avatar
bigguitarbrad said

In a very good way this conjures up mid fifties Japanese short films. A bulldozer dragging a reluctant refrigerator through the dump. Seagulls argue over someone's sandwich and a young boy rides his bicycle as if he were on a magical horse. (all shot in grainy black and white on somebody's Mom's super-eight. Thanks Mr. Bagszins

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
somno project's avatar
somno project said

great work sandbags,

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
Guest said

very extraterrestrial! nice work.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I think you got something to work with here. It put me in a trance. Day dreaming sort of thing. Cool sounds Mr. Bags.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Being as I am in something of a musical trough of despair (it's not as much fun as it sounds) right now I thought I'd try messing with my TMA-2 Reaktor instrument and try and coax some better results from it. From a promising beginning TMA…
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

well, highly experimental, no doubt about that; and it does carry some underlaying structure. not quite steady though, but it is there, yes. - and overall, it has a very interesting contemporary flavor..

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I think I may have gone too far! I've been working on the Reichenbach signal chain to include filtering, distortion, EQ, and a resonator. I've also switched out the delay and gone hog wild with modulation. This piece shows how way out the…
Guest said

oldie but goodie.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is made with a very experimental Reaktor instrument I am building. It uses a very simple particle collision model with 64 particles in a 100x100 box. When two particles collide they trigger a sampler to play a slice of either of two samples…
Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

nicely disturbing; maybe a tad too linear here and there, but that's certainly due to the formula. - i wonder if this could work with superformula and if so, what would be the output..

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm not quite sure where I was going with this. I love the Abaska Bong sound and was trying to pair it with something complementary. After going through some truly weird combinations I came up with this.
Guest said

well trying to write my own song

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

sounds awesome in the 'phones.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

@MannequinRaces: Reaktor is still a great tool for experimenting with sound design and, as a bonus, you get a fantastic range of great instruments and effects. It does require some effort to learn and the program has some issues but it's totally worth it. Thanks for your suggestions about creating space. You're right in that I just went for the first fast panning preset I liked and it is kind of monotonous after a while. When I was working mostly in Logic I used to automate volume a lot which can also create space. But this is something I don't find as natural in Ableton. I think it's a consequence of the Session/Arrangement dichotomy that I'm not as happy with yet. I'm working on something new & again using TMA-2 as one of my sources. I'll see if I can do a better job with it.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Once again, killer stuff. Love what you're doing here.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

This is heaven. I love shit like this!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

(Drool) Okay, I've always known that I've wanted to give Reaktor a shot but now I really want to try it out! Great stuff. I have no idea how to ad more space in something like this but I like it the way it is. My only suggestion to try out sometime is to vary the panning. Seems like the panning (ping pong effect) is pretty consistent. I would try varying it more (like faster panning for a bit, then slower, etc..). Anyways cool stuff!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Guest said

RE The samples were not carefully chosen just a few random snippets I had lying around and some vocal samples I've been collecting for another project. I just needed something to feed into it. so long as it isn't our brainwaves! hehe. I'm lookig forward to hearing, and seeing what else you do with this

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Guest said

I prefer the source....but this is interesting as well.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Guest said

I knew he was sending images into our heads wildgeas. hehe. I'll have to listen to the other tracks you did with this one sandbags.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Spacey man. Your buggin' me out. There's something crawling on me. It has teeth.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Thanks for your comment on Sunday Looping mate. You have a great weekend. Cheers.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

This is cool too. Hmmm. Eenie-meanie...
