Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Well done. I don't really have any suggestions about structure except to say don't get too hung up on it :-) I kind of think that the way this ebbs and flows is all the structure it needs.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

@NebulonicAlchemy: I've no recollection of the conversation you're talking about. I use a lot of effects in Live and Logic so it doesn't sound like me. My point is about creating an arrangement where there is more control over sonic density. Particularly intense points should not be clustered together or they become overwhelming. I think the issue is with taking a single, long, piece of audio and trying to treat give it a different structure.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Guest said

Your efforts to create space are interesting. I'm not sure I comprehend exactly what you mean. I believe you once said you dont' like using efx which comes with audio editing/recording sofware. Maybe this a route you may want to take?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This is full of great sounds mate very cool.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…
Greg Albrecht's avatar
Greg Albrecht said

Wild sounds ... Great mix

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm not quite sure where I was going with this. I love the Abaska Bong sound and was trying to pair it with something complementary. After going through some truly weird combinations I came up with this.
Guest said

ok....I think I did see that.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm not quite sure where I was going with this. I love the Abaska Bong sound and was trying to pair it with something complementary. After going through some truly weird combinations I came up with this.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

If you read my post in that thread I talked about one of my tracks being downloaded over & over again by Chinese spammers/spambots. This is that track.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I'm not quite sure where I was going with this. I love the Abaska Bong sound and was trying to pair it with something complementary. After going through some truly weird combinations I came up with this.
Guest said

wildgease and I were talking about play counts...he said he posts links to his songs on other pages...did you do that for this one? On what pages did you put the link for this song?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Reminds me of the voice of Shodan, the AI in the System Shock series of computer games. :)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is made with a very experimental Reaktor instrument I am building. It uses a very simple particle collision model with 64 particles in a 100x100 box. When two particles collide they trigger a sampler to play a slice of either of two samples…
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

I can definitely hear the Dune soundtrack in this. Nice work on the Reaktor instrument! It'll be interesting to hear what else you end up doing with it.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I like that creates a way...

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

You should develop some iPhone/Pod apps like this. Cool.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

The samples were not carefully chosen just a few random snippets I had lying around and some vocal samples I've been collecting for another project. I just needed something to feed into it.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Guest said

i like the samples u used. What are they from??

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Guest said

I seriously think this could lead to not so silly things. Have you ever heard of the tribe of people...from thousands of years ago, who knew the EXACT orbital patterns of stars and planets they couldn't even see? Maybe this MMI a happy accident?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

The idea came to me in a conversation as a kind of silly thing to do. I was thinking about how to mess with samples and the idea of slicing them and trigger them by collisions just popped into my head. At the moment the energy levels are fixed. One of the things to complete the model is for collisions to drain energy. Then I plan to add "warming" that is a constant influx of energy which will be controllable. Beyond that I really want to play with having the collision sequencer drive other things like a bank of oscillators. I'm also considering how it could sensibly output MIDI.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Guest said

I was thinking that more outside variables would be interesting. I like the gravity well idea. So where did you get the idea for this? energy levels change when there is a collision?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Guest said

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Guest said

Loving your work with vox!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great stuff mate this is very cool.
