Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Cool sounds mate

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Well the votes are in and nobody, who has commented, seems to think I have offended against Satie with this. That's kind of cool because this really is one of my favourite pieces of music and one that I hope, one day, to be able to play myself…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Wow this is very haunting for sure sounds great through head phones love it

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

This is great mate dig it. And thanks for your recent comments What is a Glitch O Matic 500

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

A fine display Mr. Sandbags. I'll have to Google the Glitch-O-Matic 5000. I'm clueless and much to analog :D

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
Guest said

Wow, sounds like a live acoustic performance! Very effective! Am loving your (and you probably won't agree) new direction!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
brando's avatar
brando said

An new take on a favorite of mine. Nicely done.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
Peter G. Brown's avatar
Peter G. Brown said

Such a sweet composition. Bouncy, but pretty serene at the same time; love it.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Wow- Nice! Love the texture

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

And the award for unique interpretation goes to... Sandbags! (crowd goes wild, cut to surprised and happy recipient high fiving his guests) Awesome stuff man.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
Guest said

Interesting. I listened to the samples of those homemade instruments from the link you sent me...awesome stuff.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
These Metal Days's avatar
These Metal Days said

Satie didn't came to my mind, maybe because i haven't listened to his music so much, but in my opinion this piece carries quite resemblance to compositions of Philip Glass

Mr Sandbags's avatar
One of the things about my [Glitching Satie]( track that I wasn't comfortable with was that it wasn't my recording that I was using. But I'm nowhere near good enough to play a piece like Gnossiennes…
Licoresse's avatar
Licoresse said

interesting piece

Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Uploaded a new version which fixes the drums although there's still a feedback problem (related to MIDI timing I think) that needs to be fixed in a final mix.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Okay this is the problem with mixing being "throw a mastering channel strip on it, bounce, upload". At some point about the 2 minute mark the drums track have cut out - probably overloaded Reaktor again. So then you get 2:30 that is largely just the bass.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
Guest said

This is some crazy glichin' ride! Love that pulse beat!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
glu's avatar
glu said

DAMN. This one is bitchin/glitchin' -- Nailed it.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
We're deep in the glitch mines again. This time with a beat developed in Stylus RMX, a "melody" using Soniccouture Skiddaw stones and Tonehammer Frendo, and a bass from Soniccouture Abstrakt Bass. The beat was fed through The Finger with…
Guest said

I think I'm starting to get the idea of glitching is... heheh nice.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Glitchatom-1 is the first in a series of experimental pieces where I'm trying to learn about glitching and get more familiar with Reaktor. In this piece I'm using Peter Dines [Frankenloop ensemble](…
Guest said

i still havent checked your reponse when I asked what glitching is...I can't look back at old responses with internet explorer 8..there is a glitch in the

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Glitchatom-1 is the first in a series of experimental pieces where I'm trying to learn about glitching and get more familiar with Reaktor. In this piece I'm using Peter Dines [Frankenloop ensemble](…
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Gotta agree with mmi...genius indeed. I can't wait to hear the stuff you put out once you "learn it." :)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Glitchatom-1 is the first in a series of experimental pieces where I'm trying to learn about glitching and get more familiar with Reaktor. In this piece I'm using Peter Dines [Frankenloop ensemble](…
glu's avatar
glu said

lovin' that glitch!
